It was only last Friday that I went to the mosque known as Surau As-Sahabah at Section 7, Kota Damansara to perform my Friday prayer there with my son, Anuar. Even though I have moved to Ampang, I always make it a point to go there for my Friday prayer.
Even though another mosque (Masjid Kota Damansara) has opened recently, the Surau As-Sahabah is still popular with the local residents. As with other mosques, sometimes when the crowd is heavy, there is not enough space for the Muslims to find a place to perform their prayer. I remember on one occasion that I had to pray in the open sun at the back of the mosque when the crowd was unusually heavy that day. Therefore when the surau As-Sahabah decided to extend its existing building to cater for increasing number of Muslims using it, I totally agreed with the proposal.

Obviously, the reason for the delay was due to the lack of funding to support the cost of construction. Just before I left the mosque that day, one of the committee members announced over the speakers requesting for financial support to complete the outstanding 30% of the building.
So I said to myself I must contribute something, if not in cash or in kind, at least in some other way, towards completing the construction of the mosque's extension.
So here I am in the way that I only know how, through my email to you and my blog, appealing to you for donations towards the fund. From Al-Termizi, it was narrated by Abu Hurairah r.a., who heard Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said, " When someone dies, he is cut off from his deeds ("amalan"), except three : prolonged alms ("sedekah jariah"), beneficial knowledge ("ilmu yang bermunafaat") and pious sons who always pray for him."

There is also another hadith from Al-Muslim, where it was narrated by Othman bin Affan r.a. who heard Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said," Whoever built a mosque for the sake of Allah SWT, Allah SWT will build a house for him in the Heavens."
So there are many benefits that you can get in this world and the next if you help to build a new mosque or extend an existing one.
So if you wish to contribute to the mosque, you can contact one of the following committee members :-
YM Tengku Endut 012-6769427
Tn. Hj. Senin 012-3121150
Tn. Hj. Razif 012-3118043
or if you wish to pay directly into the bank account you can do so into the EON Bank account no:0539-11-0000-463 under the name of As-Sahabah. May Allah SWT blesses you in this world and the next for your generosity.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to give alms in this respect. May Allah bless you...
Tengku Rita
terima kasih atas email yang dihantar,usaha yang baik akan dibalas baik, moga allah merahmati anda
salam, Encik Roslan, lamanya tak jumpa atau bertukar khabar. Ni Azian Kota Damansara. Now kat Seremban dah hampir 3 tahun.. my nos... 0136367565. Kami dah biz kat NS buat website n Bunga biz.. hope to c u one day..tq
W'salam Azian....dah pindah ke Seremban rupa-rupanya, ye? Saya cuba juga hubungi melalui telefon, tapi Azian tak pakai nombor dulu lagi ye? InsyaAllah, kita akan berjumpa satu hari nanti..Ada menderma ke Surau As-Sahabah tak? Dermalah sikit, supaya ada berkat terhadap biz Azian tu.....
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