Nature has given us many sources of health food as well as medicine. One of them is Nigella Sativa or "black seed" as it is popularly known.
I call it the "Seed of Health" because it's the only herb that I've encountered that has really worked for me. I have tried other types of herbs, usually those sold through the "direct-selling" member-get-member method, but either they didn't work for me or they only worked on specific type of illnesses.
I'm a diabetic of type 2 and doctors have told me that there's no cure for it. They say that the best you can do is to control the sugar level in your blood to a safe level by taking the prescribed medication. They also advise us to control the type of food that we take, have regular exercises and get enough rest.
I don't like to be told that there's no cure for my diabeties. It was related that Jabir said that the Messenger of God (prayers and peace be upon him) said: "For every ailment there is a cure. If the remedy is correct, the ailment will be cured by the leave of God Almighty." (Al-Muslim)
Thus, there is always a cure for any disease or illness. It's a matter of finding the correct remedy only.Since that day, I started to search for a cure for my diabetes. I tried many herbs and even teas, but to cut the story short, I think I finally found it - the herb that can cure, that is, the "black seed". Why "I think" is because I'm still monitoring the effects that it has on my diabetes for I've just taken it for a few months and therefore it's unfair for me to reach a conclusion within such a short period.
But a few days after taking the "black seed", I started to feel the improvement and positive effects that it has on my 57-year-old body. I used to take the expensive physillum husk twice a day to help with my digestion and relieve my constipation. Now I don't take the husk anymore.
I used to go to the toilet to pass urine every so often that it became an annoyance to me, simply because I discovered that there was not much urine to be released; it was just a few drops. But the "pain" in my urinary bladder at those times was like the bladder was already full and about to "explode" if I didn't release it immediately. Sometimes, I didn't have time to open up my zip to release the urine. It decided to leak out before I was "ready" for it.
At night, it disturbed my sleep because I had to wake up so very often to release out the few drops of urine. All the symptom stopped after I took the "black seed." After that, the process of going to the toilet to urinate became more bearable and regulated to this day. At night, I don't have to wake up so often again to go to the toilet to urinate.
I used to have running nose every morning after I woke up and had my shower. At times it could get so bad that I had to take medication to stop it. This symptom stopped after I took the "black seed."
I found out from the internet that there are many other medical and health effects that one can get from taking the "black seed." It includes increasing the body's immune system and for the ladies, it stimulates the menstrual period and increases the flow of breast milk.
It was related that Abu Huraira said he heard the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) say:"This black seed is a cure for everything except Al Saam." Aishah said: " What is Al Saam?" He said: "Death"."(Al-Muslim)
If you have any persistent ailments, I suggest you try taking the "black seed", especially when this advise came from the Prophet himself (prayers and peace be upon him).
1 comment:
For more details about the black seeds, go to http://seedsofhealth.biz You can also porchase the nlack seed products online from the website.
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