It is quite common nowadays to know that a person has diabetes. The first time I knew I had diabetes was when I had to go to a clinic for a medical check-up for an insurance company 8 years ago. The sample of my blood that was sent to the laboratory for analysis confirmed that I was a diabetic of type II. The glucose (sugar) level in my blood sample was then giving a reading of 15. The normal reading for a healthy person should be from 4 to 6.
Then I understood why suddenly about a year back I was always feeling weak, always felt thirsty and had to pass urine frequently. I found out that they were the symptoms of a diabetic. Worst still, I found out that being a diabetic is the starting point for other diseases, including high blood pressure, kidney failure and blindness.
From Abu Hurairah r.a.,Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said, " Allah does not bring down a disease unless Allah brings down a cure for it." (Dari Abu Hurairah r.a., Nabi saw bersabda, " Allah tidak menurunkan sesuatu penyakit melainkan Allah menurunkan penyembuh untuknya." Riwayat al-Bukhari)
So for every disease, there is a cure for it. So my attempts to find a cure for diabetes started that day.
I soon found out that the cause of diabetes is either due to the unavailability of insulin from the pancreas or the insulin is incapable of converting the excess sugar in the blood into fat to be stored in the body.
Sugar is used as the source of energy but if it is not utilised or converted into fat, it becomes a toxin (poison) and will start to create havoc to the organs in our body. That's why a diabetic has to urinate very often because his body is trying to get rid of the excess sugar from his blood. That's why he also feels thirsty very often because his body needs water to dilute the sugar in the blood to get rid of the sugar.
The pancreas of a diabetic fails to produce insulin or if it is producing, the insulin fails to handle the sugar in the blood. This is either due to hereditary or the person leads a life of obesity or both. They say if one of our parents has diabetes, chances are that we are also going to have it.
My late mum was a diabetic. At the peak of her diabetic problem, there was a hole on her right foot and it didn't get better until she finally went to the doctor who advised her to control her diet and prescribed a medication for her. Her wound got better after that.
I'd like to think that I got my diabetes not because my mum was a diabetic and my mum was a diabetic not because her mum was a diabetic too..I think my late mum was a diabetic because she was leading a life of obesity. I don't blame her or mums like her because life as a housewife restricted her to the household chores and hardly gave her the chance to go outdoors to stay away from living a life of obesity.
Long time ago, our grandparents and great grandparents didn't have the luxury of doing things as easily as we presently have. Their lifestyles and ours differ tremendously. If we travel from one place to another, we have motorised transportation to take us there, but they had to walk. We "work" by sitting in a cool comfortable air-conditioned office most of the time, but they had to sweat it out in the open padi fields, vegetable/fruit farms or the sea. They ate fresh food, and so do we, except that our "fresh food" are treated with insecticides and preservatives before they are delivered to us in the supermarkets. They had processed foods like soya sauce, keropok, salted fish and fish balls which they produced for their own consumption. We have processed food too, but our processed food are filled with more-often-than-not harmful preservatives, colourings and taste enhancers like monosodium glutimate. The air that they breathe was fresh all the time. The air that we breath is polluted. No wonder they live longer because they exercise a lot, breathed unpolluted air and eat clean food that were rich in vitamins and nutrients. We eat polluted food, breath in polluted air and seldom exercise.
Let's compare the life of our great grandfather and ours. Our great grandfather, who was say, a fisherman, woke up in the morning and walked to the beach where his sampan (boat) was parked. He had a good exercise there. We wake up in the morning and walk to our car that is parked in the garage - hardly any exercise. Our great grandfather went to the sea (his place of work) by rowing his sampan - that's quite a lot of exercise. We go to our office (place of work) by driving a car - minimum exercise, just turn the steering wheel, press the clutch (manual gear) and the brake. Under the hot sun, our great grandfather had to cast his fishing net or fishing hook and maneuver his sampan from one place to another. He sweat from the exercise and also from the sun, where he also obtained Vitamin D. Under the air-conditioned office, we sit at our desk and move only if we have to go for a meeting or go to the toilet. We hardly sweat.We only get Vitamin D from the sun if we walk to the nearby stall during lunch time, provided of course we do not use an umbrella to get there.
When our great grandfather went home after he had caught enough fish for the day he repeated the same exercise that he did when he left his house in the morning - same good exercise. We hardly have any exercise as we go home in our air-conditioned car. After our great grandfather reached home, he had to sort out the fish that was caught for the day, clean the compound, burn the rubbish or do some other chores. When we reach home however, we sit in front of the television set and wait for dinner to be served. After our great grandfather had his dinner, he would go to sleep early because there was no television to watch or mamak stall to go for "teh tarek". Therefore he had enough rest. On the other hand, after we have our dinner, we sit in front of the TV until late at night or spend hours at the mamak restaurant with friends before we go to bed. We therefore don't have enough sleep.
"We eat to live, not live to eat." But it looks like we are exactly doing the opposite. We eat more than we should, more than what our body needs. We have breakfast at home, lunch in the office, tea and cakes during tea break, dinner at home and supper at night and not counting the chocolates and cookies kept in the drawer during office hours. We fill up our stomach with junk food and food that we don't need. We do not exercise enough to get rid of stored food in our body.
The law of balance says "what goes in should go out." Thus, what goes into the body should equal to what goes out from the body. If we eat more we should also exercise more. If we don't exercise more, then the food keeps accumulating and our body grows heavier and heavier each day. That's when all kinds of chronic diseases start to surface - diabetes, high-blood pressure, cancer, etc.
Diabetes is not like a disease where the doctor prescribes to you a medication and you get better a few days later. It is caused by an upset in our body system due to leading a life of obesity for too long. The doctors advise that there is no cure for diabetes. The best you can do is to control the amount of sugar in your blood to ensure that the sugar level does not reach a dangerous level, in the sense that it does not damage your internal organs.
The doctor helps to control the sugar level in the blood of a diabetic patient by prescribing a suitable medication to him. The medication helps to regulate the sugar level in the blood to a safe level. Other than exercise, doctors also advise that we should limit the consumption of sweet food and carbohydrates and take more meat, vegetables and fruits. Carbohydrates turn into sugar after they are consumed, that's why a diabetic should minimise the consumption of carbohydrates. Rice and flour are the most common form of carbohydrates that are consumed by us.
I've known of a few diabetics who don't control the amount of food that they consume when they are on their doctor's medication. This can be very dangerous because certain medications can give serious side effect to the body. I know of a close friend who took a medication wrongly prescribed by his doctor. His sugar level was normal when he was taking the medication. Later on something happened to him and he had to be admitted into a hospital. The hospital doctors later diagnosed him as having kidney failures. Another doctor later told him that the diabetic medication that was prescribed to him was the cause of his kidney failures. Now he is on dialysis twice a week.
All this while, I have been "experimenting" on the best way to control my sugar level without taking any medication and without sacrificing too much on the consumption of carbohydrates and I think I have found the right solution. I wish to share it with you if you are a diabetic. If you are not a diabetic, it may help prevent you from being one. "Prevention is better than cure" and "better to be safe than sorry." My method may not work for you but you have to try it out and change or adjust it until you find the right solution.
What I am doing to control the sugar level in my blood is as follows:-
1. Eating habits - I only eat twice a day. I never miss a good breakfast. It can be the full-of-carbohydrates type like nasi lemak, roti canai, nasi goreng or mihun goreng. These carbohydrates provide me with energy until about 4.00 pm when I also have a meal. Thus, between breakfast and 4.00 pm I don't take anything else except plain water or green tea. Green tea is an anti-oxidant and it's good for our immune system. After I have my 4.00 pm meal, I don't take anymore meal for the day, except maybe an apple for dinner.
If I realy feel hungry during lunch time. I'll go down to the stall in front of my office to buy a slice of papaya or pineapple. Or I go and buy a packet of groundnuts at the Petronas station nearby.
2. I fast twice a week, every Monday and Thursday. Fasting helps to detoxify the body from accumulated toxins from the food that we eat and the polluted air that we breath. It also gives the organs in our body the time to rest, recuperate and recover. Who knows, your damaged organs may heal and function as normal.
3. I exercise regularly. This I do by taking the train and lrt (light rapid transit) to and from work. It takes about half an hour of walking from my home to the nearest lrt station. After the lrt stops at a station, I walk for about 5 minutes to a train station. After taking the train I walk for another 15 minutes from the train station to my office. So I receive about 50 minutes of walking exercise in one way and 100 minutes of exercise both ways.
I always monitor my blood sugar level in the morning prior to breakfast by using a blood measurement meter, which I purchase from the local pharmacy.So far the meter has been giving me an average reading of 7 to 8. On days when I eat less carbohydrates and more fruits and capatis (made from wheat flour), the reading is about 6 to 7.
I am still experimenting with my lifestyle to reduce the reading to 4 to 6, the so-called normal level. Maybe I should fast 3 days a week or reduce my food intake to once a day instead of the present two meals a day. I'll let you know through this blog soon if I manage to reduce my sugar reading to that level consistently after I adjust my lifestyle or eating habits as proposed above.
I received the following comments from my friend Dr.Nik Isahak by email:
Lank ,
You seem to be on the right track .Type 2 DM is a lifestyle metabolic abberation ,as you put ,primarily due to relative lack of insulin ie , actual kurang insulin due to under production by your pancreas or relative lack due to 'kegemukan' .Imagine having 5 lorries to manage the sampah sarap in Ampang jaya [ the sampah hear is the glukose product from metabolism of all carbo that we consume ] ,then Ampang jaya serap Taman melawati also under its jurisdiction :still same 5 lorries to manage !The excess glukos in the blood melimpah keluar in the urine .The relative inbalance cause 'metabolic' damage to our microcirculation : we have ED ,we coronaries we have increased stroke ,we damage to our vision ,we have kidney damage ,we have nerve damage [kebas kaki tangan],we have poor circulation in the limbs .Most of the dreaded complications which some attribute to 'side effect of medication is almost ,as far as diabetes is concerned due to the general effect of poor micro circulation .
Doc Jalal is right ,diabetics ,semua boleh makan except gula and high gula related food .Gula per se in normal people does not cause diabetes ,kegemukan is the principal cause amongst other thinh like genetic predisposition etc etc .But once diabetic good to avoid gula pasal your body cannot handle the sudden surge of glucose in the blood .Meals : frequent light meals .
Exercise is the elixir of youth .Counter check with oyur family doctor all the time jangan pandai2 hentam saja .Ideal premeal glucose below 6.5 mmol but most time once you are diabetic your doctor will be more interested to know your 2 hour post meal glucose level which ideally should be 6 ,7 , or 8 .
50 % of my heart patients are diabetics and when I have a look at their arteries on coronary angiogram they are 'different ' animals from from the non diabetic coronariy patients : their arteries tend to be generally smaller in calibre and disease more diffuse dan menyeluroh usually making angioplasy and surgery less ideal .I am talking of generalities .Diabetic patients in general poses more problems for 'plumbers' like me and my surgical colleagues .
Dr Nik Howk
I received the folwing comment by my friend Dr.Jalal Khalil by email:
Kudos to you for your write-up par excellence relating to the tips on life-style modification
for diabetes control based on your own personal experience. I agree with you insofar as it relates to dieting and exercise. Even then there is a study to show that a more frequent meal, say 5 or 6 times a day in small amount may achieve better results because it maintains metabolic rate and thus ensuring continous energy consumption.
Morever it would be much simpler and safer to be on medication as prescribed by medical doctors.. The side effects of any drug exist but they are few and far between in clinical practice.
My advice to all my patients is for them to maintain a healthy life-style which helps in reducing the dose of the
required medicines. They can also enjoy good food until they kick the bucket.
May I also add that after all the efforts , it is the Almighty that grants the cure. So begin everything you do with Bismillah... and niat/doa. Wallahuallam bisawab.
Nik Howke, over to you...
So how was your diabetic now? This happened to my father 7 weeks ago when me and my siblings noticed that he's getting weak day by day and numbness in his left-hands which caused all thing dropped when he tried to hold it.
The next day we took him to clinic for medical check-up than doctor confirm that he had a diabetic with reading of more than 30. Definitely we're so suprised especially my father which hardly to believed it. Doctor advise him for a medication and control his meals and come back another 5 days for next check-up. During the 5 days, my sister bought "Kacip Emas" known as Penawar Mujarab utk Diabetic. Last Sunday he went to Johor for our cousin wedding - and my aunt took him for a traditional treament there. The pakcik called as Doktor Herba had massage my fathers body at his back at then -lot of water came out from the body! The Doktor said that he's would guarantee the diabetic reading of my father would reduce below than 10. So, on Monday which him supposed to met the doctor for medical check-up - we again been surprised when the doctor confirm that the reading are now 6.3. Alhamdulillah, but still - we remind our father to control his meals and continue taking the Kacip Emas. and till today, we still wonder whether the Kacip Emas or the water massage does this. but for sure, all came from Allah... syukur alhamdulillah.
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