Trip to Mecca
On Saturday, 2nd of August 2008, we prepared ourselves to leave Medinah to perform the Umrah. We bid farewell to the Prophet after the Solat Suboh (ziarah wada') and preyed to Allah SWT that we be given the opportunity to visit Masjid Nabawi and the Prophet's (PBUH) "makam" again in the near future.
After breakfast, we "Mandi Sunat Ihram" (optional ihram shower/bath). I wore the Ihram cloths before performing the Solat Sunat Ihram (optional Ihram prayer). My Ihram cloths consisted of two white towel-like cloths. One was used to wrap around the lower part of the body from above the navel downwards to below the knee (to cover the "aurat") and the other cloth was to cover the upper part of the body. There was a technique to be learnt on how to dress up securely. You are not supposed to wear an underwear or any sewn or stitched clothes and therefore wearing the Ihram clothes securely was very important.
Dressed in the Ihram cloths, we boarded the bus which would take us to our Miqat at Masjid Bir Ali, which was just 10km from Medinah. At this mosque we preyed Tahayatul Masjid for two rakaats. After we boarded the bus we wished ("berniat") to perform the Umrah and the Ihram because of Allah SWT (mengerjakan Umrah dan ber-Ihram dengannya kerana Allah Taala).
After this wish had been said, we were considered to be in the state of Ihram. Whilst in the state of Ihram, the following actions are prohibited: -
(1). You can't cover your head with a cap or any item.
(2).You can't wear any sewn or stitched clothing.
(3) You can only use a footwear that exposes the toes and heels.
(4) A woman can't cover her face and can't wear hand gloves.
(5). No perfume is allowed to be used.
(6). No hair oil is allowed to be used.
(7). No hair is allowed to drop.
(8). Not allowed to cut or pull out any plant or trees, except dead ones.
(9) Not allowed to cut your nails
(10) Not allowed to hunt animals or imprison them in cages.
(11). Not allowed to have sex or any acts that can lead to having sex
(12). Not allowed to get involved in any akad nikah (marriage ceremony).
If any of the above acts is committed whilst in the state of Ihram, there's a "dam" (fine) to be paid. The amount of fines to be paid depends on the extent of the act, the most heavy being the contribution of a camel which is due to him or her having sex.
On the way from Masjid Bir Ali to Mecca, we stopped for lunch at the same restaurant where we had our dinner when we arrived on the first night at Jeddah. The same delicious 5-people-to-a-dish meal was served.
We had the opportunity to view the countryside from the bus on its way to Mecca this time. The countryside consisted of rocky mountains and deserts with few bushes that looked like they were struggling to stay alive. Apart from the vehicles plying the highway, we could hardly see anybody in the countryside, most likely they were indoors avoiding the heat of the sun.
I couldn't help thinking, here we were travelling in comfort in an air-conditioned bus whereas more than 1,400 years ago the Prophet *PBUH) and his companions had to ride on the camel, horse, donkey or walked under the blazing sun with their head exposed (They are not allowed to cover their head whilst in the state of Ihram).
We arrived in Mecca at about 2.00 pm and after checking into the Abeer Hotel,wwere led into Masjidil Haram by our mutawwir just before Asar time. We performed our jama' taqdim before we were led to perform the first ritual, i.e. perform the Tawaf (to circle around the Kaabah seven (7) times, beginning from the Hajarul Aswad and ending there too). Whilst performing the Tawaf our left shoulder must always face the Kaabah and our right shoulder should be exposed. So we had to adjust the Ihram cloth at the top of our body to ensure that our right shoulder is not covered but exposed before performing the Tawaf. Whilst circling the Kaabah, we should communicate with Allah SWT and ask for His Forgiveness for our past Sins and Bertaubat not to repeat. We should also thank Him for all the rezeki and nikmat that He has given us and to request for the well-being of our Prophet PBUH. You can also read verses from the Al-Quran or bertasbih or berzikir. Each time we reached the corner of the Kaabah where the Hajarul Aswad was located, we bid, "Bismillah, Allah Akbar and Lillahil Ham..." and followed up with a flying kiss to the Hajarul Aswad with our hands.
It was also observed that every time we reached the corner where the Hajarul Aswad was located, fellow Muslims were struggling and pushing against each other to get there or to get out from there to attempt to kiss the stones from Heaven. It was not a pleasant sight, but we could see the smiling faces of those who succeeded in kissing the Hajarul-Aswad.
After we have completed the Tawaf, we were led to an area behind the Tomb of Abraham (Makam Nabi Ibrahim) to perform Solat Sunat Tawaf (Optional Tawaf prayer) for two (2) Rakaats. After taking a cup or two of the refreshing Air Zam-Zam, we proceeded to Mount Safa to perform the Sai', i.e. to walk or jog back and forth between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah seven times. The distance between the two mountain was slightly less than 0.5 Km
Performing the Sai' is very important in Islam because it marks the beginning of Mecca. History has it that Prophet Abraham was instructed by Allah SWT to bring his wife Siti Hajar and their new-born son, Ismail to a valley in the middle of a desert and told to leave them there. Prophet Abraham did so with a heavy heart but he also knew that Allah SWT knows best. In the middle of the desert and under the hot blazing sun, Siti Hajar soon ran out of food and even her feeding milk went dry. The baby cried out loud for food and drinks. Siti Hajar ran desperately from one mountain (Mount Safar) to another mountain (Mount Marwah) looking for water and help. After she had run seven (7) times, she went to her baby who was almost on the verge of dying when suddenly she saw water oozing out from the ground beneath the baby's legs. That water is known as Air Zam-Zam and from that day onwards, the Arabs started to migrate and settle at what is now known as Mecca. Subsequently Prophet Abraham and his son, Prophet Ismail, also built the Kaabah at the present location.
After we completed the 3.5 Km walk for Sai', we performed the Tahalul by cutting at least three (3) strands of our hair. It is said that the hair cut this way will light up our path in the journey towards Padang Mashar after we are awaken in the next world (Hari Kebangkitan). I observed some of us are not contented with just three (3) strands of hair, they had the whole hair on their heads cropped or shaven clean :-)
After the tahalul is completed, we were no longer in the state of Ihram and therefore our mission to perform the Umrah can be considered as already accomplished. Shukor Allah SWT for having us as HIS guests in His House (Masjidil Haram) in Mecca and also guests to our Prophet PBUH in his Masjidil Nabawi at Medinah and allowing us to perform the Umrah without any major glitch.
After completing our Umrah, the rest of the week in Mecca was spent performing more umrahs, tawafs, solat fardhu berjemaah, solat sunat, visiting historical places and of course, shopping. I shall describe them in more detail in Part 3, which also include the miracles of Zam-Zam water which I personally experienced and would like to share them with you.
End of Part 2
Click here for Part 3